Amalgamated Security Saving Lives

Amalgamated Security, as part of its regional Corporate Social Responsibility, launched a program that funds and provides equipment as well as training in lifesaving skills to Public Law Enforcement agencies. The program’s acronym, ASSL, is the same as for Amalgamated Security Services Limited. However, in the context of this program the letters ASSL stand for ‘Amalgamated Security Saving Lives’.
Under the program, Amalgamated Security can be approached through a simple request at which point an assessment will be done to determine how and if the program can provide the help needed. The Amalgamated Security Saving Lives program is open to all Caribbean Police Forces that are members of the Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police. Below, you will find suggested trainings that could be offered immediately.
If you should have needs outside of those suggestions, please communicate the same to our Marketing Department who can be reached at 868-626-2775 ext 1950/1952. We will evaluate if and if so, how your request could be accommodated under the ‘Amalgamated Security Saving Lives’ program.
We are delighted to offer you the following trainings:
- Tactical First Responder
- CEVO II Police (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator II – Police)
- CEVO III Ambulance (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator III – Ambulance)
- CEVO III Fire (Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Operator III – Fire)
- Standard First Aid Training
If the aforementioned training does not meet your needs we are willing to discuss and tailor the programme to fit your police force specific needs.
Two police forces were able to benefit from this programme, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname.
All of the above trainings would be delivered at no cost. Our instructors would be flown into your country and be accommodated there at our cost.